Friday, February 14, 2014

Student Centered Learning

1. What can you say to the objection that a SCL environment can be noisy and unwieldy?

         Student's tend be very excited when they are allowed to do what they want hence they become uncontrollable and when you try to control them they might end up not doing what you want them to do or worse not listen to what you are saying. But if beforehand you instructed the children to stay low with their energy you might be able to control them in the middle of working on your instructions.

2. How can SCL be fun, memorable and healthy?
             These ideals of a classroom atmosphere can only happen if you put your effort into making a motivation on your part and a response from the students. Even when reporting I always consider to make the reports shorter now and activities that are related to my subject so that I can attain the three stated. Also do not forget to integrate CPA in every lesson.

3. Share/ discuss experiences on your email activities.

                  I've never e-mailed a friend but I've tried doing it for work purpose of someone close to me and it were all to send the emails in their other male. So there's nothing much to talk about emails but the part that I'm irritated when I find myself dumped with so many facebook notification messsages on my email that I always need to delete after the end of the day. I currently have two mails, one in gmail and one in yahoo mail.

4. Share/discuss experiences on Internet surfing.

                  I think Internet surfing is bad for me I have the tendency to want something and dream to achieve it if I saw something interesting. I'm not always surfing the net, it sometimes become boring so when I do not have anything to look at I stop what I do. Not so many experiences though but I can say because of surfing the net I've been able to come up with different ideals that I want. I just have to control my obsession and that is a "SECRET"!

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